While time has passed, many believed that goal was deviated or totally forgotten!
Guess what... the ship is nearing the coast, and this time it might just get into port!
Of course I'm talking about the work done by Jason McMullan and Toni Wilen (WinUAE man himself)n on the Kickstart bounty (Phase 1 and 2). And they're finally delivering the promise goods... Check it out!
Boot sequence on WinUAE of current WIP
While it has still a lot of miles to get to port, everyone is confident that this time AROS will reach home - and by home I mean the original hardware range of Amigas. But not only that it might get to the next generation of hardware with compatibility in mind. I'm adressing NATAMI naturally! And this looks like the baby is going to rock...
Current mockup design for a possible Natami case
On the other hand the common known Next generation hardware (X86/X64 and PPC range) is getting more and more updates, and the recent developments might benifit of bringing on compatibility out of the box with AmigaOS 3.x software.
For the time being the J-UAE by O1i is definitely the reality to behold, and quite good from my POV.

Current incarnation of J-UAE
After all this who has the nerve to say that AROS is not Amiga! You're right - It's the next best thing! Real and modern and faithful to the original Amiga team leaded by Jay Miner! That's what it is!!!....
Now back to work... I'm sorry for not updating my blog more frequently, but I blame the International Crisis!...
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